Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 25 - Shane's WOD

Main page WOD: 135# clean & jerk ladder (do one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute...etc, continuing as long as able).

Nothing special today. Still feeling the soreness in my arms pretty bad. I got warmed up and stretched as much as I could trying to get some comfort in my devastated arms. I made it through the 7 reps round and then failed on the 8 reps round. This is a very deceiving WOD. It sneaks up on you quick. But all in all, I enjoyed it, but it certainly was not my best performance.

I then caught my breath and did a straight set of 10 just for good measure.

Note: I did full clean and jerks instead of thruster style c&j's. This definitely slowed me down, in comparison to what I could have done, but I wanted to do the WOD exactly as written.


  1. Nice job. What's your thought on that vs Grace? It seems like that movement may take to long based on the time constraints.

  2. Yeah, even after just the sets of 3 and 4 you look at the clock and you don't have but around 30 seconds rest. And that was doing them without dropping the bar and guiding it to the group for a faster rep rate. Grace is a much tougher WOD overall because you can go hard from the start, whereas with this WOD I was on the 5 rep round before I really starting feeling it. Really I would say Grace and this WOD are entirely different it the way it fatigues you. I would rather do Grace anyday than this ladder, although it was fun. But next time this comes up, or anything similar to it, I will go thruster style. On light weight like this I really don't see a need to focus on my c&j technique anyway and I don't want to sell myself short again on work done.
