Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16- Ben's WOD

"Rob Shaul is an Asshole"

Warm UP
10 Min Sandbag Getups 80# Bag

200m Rob Shauls (1 Rob Shaul is 65-95lbs on your back then 4 walking lunges
then 4 push press and back to behind neck)
3 Minutes Rest

5 Rounds
80# Sandbag Zercher Squat x5 and carry Zercher Style for 100m
400m Run
(Zercher Squat and Carry are both in front like cradling a baby)

I dont know how this looks on the outside but this was unfu#%ing believably hard. I did it outside in the sun and it was 104 on the thermometer. Total mind, body, strength, and lung endurance beat down.

I did the first WOD in 19:35. I had to go get water at about 140m. Never mangaged more thatn 4 Rob Shauls linked together at a time.

WOD 2 took 17:35.

At the end i did 4 max sets of pushups....then I drank a gallon of water and washed that down with saki and beer. Good day all around.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like hell in a hand basket. Dude, you are turning into a monster over there doing all this stuff. You are going to kill it at selection. No body else is crazy enough to prep at this level!
