Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12 - Shane's WOD

I am supposed to do snatches this morning and then go swim, but I decided to go with just the swim today. Not for any particular reason other than to spend the morning with Karen and enjoy breakfast. I'm going to try to hit the pool as soon as it opens. I'm going to do distance intervals of some sort. I'll post what I do after I do it.


  1. 125 yard warm-up swim.

    Ladder (go hard):
    25 yard - rest 15 sec
    50 yard - rest 15 sec
    75 yard - rest 15 sec
    100 yard - rest 30 sec
    75 yard - rest 30 sec
    50 yard - rest 30 sec
    25 yard - rest 30 sec

    Rest 3 minutes and then repeat.

    125 yard cool down swim.

    1050 total yards.

    A couple thoughts/comments on programming/crossfit:

    1. Crossfit does not prepare you for anything. This mild (if that) swim workout kicked my ass. I know I am not an elite crossfitter, but I believe it fair to say that I am a pretty good crossfitter. And keep in mind that I am also a former competitive highschool swimmer that competed at the state level. I must find my way to a pool more often. I see this as a HUGE hole in crossfit.

    2. I am heavily considering going back to main page programming or some hybrid thereof. I find it a little more fun and honestly even though I am making special effort to focus on my weaknesses in writing my own programming I can't think of the last time I did something I just really didn't want to do or that lasted so long that is made me miserable. Not sure how I am going to integrate this thinking quite yet. Just spit-balling at this point.

  2. I had the same thought today about the main page. I was thinking main page plus keep on 3 day a week oly.strenght that you had been doing and just adjust if there is a double dip on strength. Obviously I will stick with what I am doing right now, and then join you in 10 weeks. (And what I am doing sucks bad enough..ha ha)
