Well, main page posted "Nicole" as the WOD for the today. Which is:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max reps pull-ups
I am going to briefly question the genius of Coach Glassman. Last Friday, one week ago today, the WOD was "Lynne:"
5 rounds for max reps:
Bodyweight bench-press
There is no way that anyone can convince me that you should be doing multiples sets of pull-ups to complete failure in two different WODs this close together. My belief is that if you attacked "Lynne" the way it is meant to be attacked, truly pushing yourself too and beyond your physical limits for 5 sets, that you would be insane to do the same thing just one week later. My arms and biceps didn't start feeling normal until yesterday. Destroying them the exact same way again today would come with a major risk of injury in my eyes. A 21-15-9 or something of that nature that included pull-ups would be well within reason...but more max reps sets is not.
So, I decided to change things up a bit today. I did:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max reps thrusters, 75#
This was nothing short of BRUTAL!
I came back from my 5th run and had about 90 seconds left on the clock, so I took a nice long breather before doing my last set of thrusters since I knew there was no way I could complete another run anyway. I could have done better on sets 1 through 3, but my brain just shut off and I put the bar down. Adding running to those thrusters just makes it unreal. I defined a set termination by having to stop moving for any measurable amount of time. Obviously I could have squeezed a few more in on each set by resting with the bar in the front rack, but I felt that went against the intent of the WOD.
This was NASTY! I couldn't stop sweating for about 45 minutes. Again, not my best performance, but I can't break records everyday. Woo hoo! Will be making up and doing my own WODs with limited equipment at my parent's house this weekend. Should actually be pretty fun!