Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 15 Shane's WOD

SP/BP/PP Test for 1RM


Run 400m
15 1pood KB Snatch Each Arm
25 KTE
100 Situps
15 1 pood KB Snatch Each Arm
Run 400

This marks the first post where we will be on different training programs.  Just a few months and Ill be back at it.


  1. I'm going to start by making a couple of lame excuses:

    1. I't hot as hell here right now.
    2. I'm still not right from the long grueling day of 55 - 80lbs bags of concrete carrying/mixing/wheel barrowing/pouring...along with the swapping of some insanely heaving barn wall panels on Saturday.

    Bottom line though, I had an off day. It happens, it just really sucks when it happens.

    295# 1RM BP (actually had a lot more in me here, but without a rack or a spotter I didn't want to push it)
    155# 1RM SP (don't know what to say, I have pressed more than this on countless occassions)
    195# 1RM PP (blah)

    19:11 WOD time. This was the first time I ever did one arm kb snatches. They were pretty goofy at first, but I actually enjoyed them once I got the hang of it. The KTE were horrible though. I need someone to teach me how to do them faster, I think I am doing something wrong.

    Sigh. Tomorrow is another day.

  2. Fu^% your sigh. You are a beast and will only get better.
