Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 27- Dutch Lowy Performance Seminar

Tasha, Wyatt and I headed down to San Diego on Friday night. Tasha and Wyatt hit up the San Diego zoo on Saturday. Wyatt's favorite animals were the Mir Cats, the otters, sea turtles, and the Jaguar.

As for me I showed up at Crossfit Invictus at 9:00am. The seminar was awesome. Dutch was very personable and you could tell he cared. Some time in the next week or two (once we get this move figure out) I will put all I learned to paper. The long and the short of it is this: lift heavy and often and then follow it up with a metcon that 80% of the time is between 2 and five minutes. Scale as needed to hit the same time domains that the elite athletes would hit. There was a billion more tidbits but it will have to wait for now.

One of the most important things I learned I will put into effect this week. Have fun and listen to your body. This is weeks no plan. We will be moving and will have alot of late nights. I will post my wods as I do them and otherwise will just be making them up as I go. The having fun concept has made my brain run alot lately and I will posting alot more on this coming up later in the week. Stay tuned for more. matter what you think, nice job this week. I just watched the US track and field championships and watched guys who train for 4 years come up short and have a bad day. Anytime you are talking about pure human performance, not every day will be your best. You are a beast, this is a journey not a destination and we have so much left to do.


  1. Thanks bro! I can't wait to hear more about your seminar.

  2. That was supposed to say 80% of the wods should be between 2 and 15 minutes.
