Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19 Ben WOD

warm up
10 minutes- sand bag getups @80lb bag
10 rounds
50 step ups; 17in box and 40lb vest
barbell complex @ 50% BW
10 45lb weighted situp

Barbell complex= 6 each linked together of deadlift, bent over row, hang power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push ups


  1. Well that was a beat down. The sandbag get ups were awesome. Build a sand bag and so some...they rock.
    The WOD was a beat down...
    Time 58:32 with a 75lb bar.
    I did the first 5 rounds with no rest and then had to start taking a minute of rest between rounds. This totaly showed me why I am doing this. I need to get my stamina up so I can go longer and "grind in out" no matter how long. For next weeks work capacity wod, I will probobly switch it up and do 2 or 3 10 to 15 min WODS and then do another hour non stop the next week. The bar bell complex is awesome. A great work out and a great test of mental fortitude to not drop the 95lbs or higher it would be a real test. The step ups are decieving. if you let your mind wonder you end up slowing down, the hard part is to keep up a high tempo.
