Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22 Bens WOD

BIG 24
Obj: Strength/Power
Warm up: 5 Rounds
SAM - Shoulder Mobility Drill(5 press and 5 dislocates)
4x Snatch Complex with PVC
1x Snatch Complex = Hang Power Snatch, then
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead squat, then
Hang Squat Snatch, then
Squat Snatch from floor
(1) 8 Rounds
3x "The Exercise" - Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat,
HUG - Hip Mobility Drill(sidelunge, prisoner st, pigeon
(2) 8 Rounds
3x Power Clean + Push Press
60 sec ab bridge complex
(3) 8 Rounds
3x Squat Clean
2x Inchworm


  1. So today was supposed to be a rest day but I got home early and it worked out better to take off tomorrow. Today was a good effort but I had a little shoulder discomfort so I am going to take a week to 10 days off on going overhead with press and jerks as this seems to be the only movement that hurts a little. I think I tweaked something doing the dislocates, which pisses me off but what can you do.

    the Exercise: 75-75-85-85-85-95-95-95
    Power Clean+PushPress: 95-95-115-115-125-125-135-135
    Squat Clean 135x6 and then 155 x 2

    If the wieght seems low it is becasue the volume takes its toll. This wod hurts more 2 hours later than when you are doing it.

  2. Man, I wish I knew more about what this stuff is...prisoner st, pigeon, ab bridge complex, Inchworm? Your loads look great to me though. Doing this much stuff in one workout is going to take it's toll. Nice work!

    Don't get to down about your shoulder. Just take the needed rest and don't do anything dumb. Instead of doing those dislocates (they hurt my shoulders too) try doing windmills and are cirles etc. Those work best for me.
