Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sept 30 - Shane's WOD

Main page today: "Helen"
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettle bell swings, 1.5 pood
12 pull ups

To be completely technical, 1.5 pood is approx 53lbs, but I only have a 50lbs kettle bell.  So not exactly as Rx'd, but pretty damn close.

New PR = 8:34

The only thing I did different this time was push through the pain and not give in.  All sets unbroken.  I am feeling pretty good about myself right now.  It is nice to have a good day every now and again.


  1. Huge work!!! Way to push past the pain and take your "weakness" to the next level. i dont think you have much of a weakness anymore.

  2. YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! Awesome Job Shane!!!
