Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 27 - Shane's WOD

Back from my CrossFit level 1 certification! Would have loved to participate in the Big Dawgs Challenge but obviously my Level 1 took precedence.

A1. OHS @ 42X1; 4-6 x 4; rest 90 sec
A2. L Pull Ups @ 2121; amrap x 4; rest 90 sec
B. DB Split Squat @ 3131; 6-9/leg x 3; rest 45 sec b/t legs
C. 100 GHD Sit ups for time
(knee touches ground on split squat; ass to grass - WAY below parallel on OHS and hold it there for 2 sec)

A1. 6x95, 6x115, 6x135, 6x165 - probably should have gone heavier on the early sets, the tempo added quite a challenge and I took my ass to within an inch or two of the deck.
A2. 18, 12, 9, 7 - these catch up with you quick, had more in me toward the end just had a mental breakdown I guess.
B. 20lbs DBs x 9, 25lbs DBs x 9 x 2 all both legs. These were weird, had never done them before and didn't really have a low enough surface for my back foot which didn't make it much fun in getting the rear knee to the deck.
C. 5:58, love my new Sorinex GHD.

Also started the day with a couple hundred double unders during my warm-up. Until I get more proficient at double unders I'm going to have to keep beating on them almost every day. I think I had a technique breakthrough towards the end of my warm-up though as my last two sets were 30 and 35 unbroken reps.

How many and how often is too much in working on my double unders?

1 comment:

  1. Dude, good work on the OHS...thats alot of weight to hold inches from the ground! I would say that a couple of hundred a day might be too much, what I would do is focus on unbroken sets ie 25-30-25 then call it a day, do that for a few and then bump it up.
